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Want to be a part of RobotEx?

        The application for our team has improved! The goal of the application process is to find team members that have problem solving skills, attention to detail, determination to complete a goal, and the ability to work well with others in a team environment. We will meet on April 18 from 9 to 12 in Ms. Parker’s room. You will need to choose a week from this year’s BESTology posts. When you arrive, we will divide you into working groups to complete an assignment from the BEST Connection portion of the BESTology week you choose. Over the next week, you will come in after school to present your group’s solution.

What is RobotEx?

        In 2004, RobotEx Corporation, a premier provider of quality robots, was established in Mobile, Alabama. For the past ten years, it has been a leader in the robotics industry. The company is dedicated to the delivery of quality products, maintenance of a safe working environment, and continued development as a good corporate citizen.


        RobotEx is proud to introduce its latest product, Walter. Walter is capable of transporting large core samples, copper, iron and aggregate with ease; innovative and very robust; Walter is designed to be functional and efficient. Walter is the choice for overcoming the hazards of mining.

Teaser for Pay Dirt 2015


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Past Websites - Webmasters

     You can visit the past RobotEx websites and learn about the company's past products by visiting the links below. The person who created the website is beside the link.

2006 - Simon Reinert 

2007 - Simon Reinert 

2008 - Andrew Faggard 

2009 - Kirk Smith 

2010 - Kirk Smith 

2011 - Alissa Hadden, Venu Kunche, and Ron Navarro

2012 - Ron Navarro 

2013 - Ron Navarro



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